Minimized Logic: Notes on ASIC and FPGA digital design

Table of Contents/Rozcestník

Papers on logic design in Czech - tutorials on logic design

Series on implementation of counters

Series on assertions (PSL, VHDL flavor)

Series on digital simulation - principles as well as advanced concepts


Current Lectures/Aktuální přednášky

Příklady a materiály k článkům/Examples, supplementary materials to the papers

Recommended reading

The following books, papers, and other resources I read and found interesting. I wish you a pleasant reading:

Assertions, Verification

Some books

Web resources

Interesting papers, blog posts, others

Designing with asynchronous sigals

General logic design

Some books

Interesting papers

Web resources

CPU design

Design For Test, Testing, and related topics

Some papers on embedded development


Some papers on logic design of mine

Amazing Engineering

Some links to some things I found interesting...



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